Kate Braid has written four books of poetry that have won or been nominated for various prizes including the Pat Lowther Award, the BC Book Prize, the Milton Acorn People’s Poetry Prize and the Vancity Book Prize. In 2005 she co-edited with Sandy Shreve, In Fine Form: The Canadian Book of Form Poetry (Raincoast). She has also published three books of non-fiction and her poems and personal essays have been widely published and anthologized. Her next book of poems, Turning Left to the Ladies will be published this month by Palimpsest. She has recently moved to the heart of Vancouver where she lives with her partner. The book Braid will be reading from, A Well-Mannered Storm: The Glenn Gould Poems, explores an imagined correspondence between Glenn Gould, one of Canada’s great musicians, and an admiring fan who, in struggling with her sudden loss of hearing in one ear, finds comfort in Gould’s music.
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